“The Chair” is a Firefly Shadow Theater production of an original story on video. In the children’s picture-book industry, publishers have moved away from long-form narratives with rich, complex language that were meant to be read by adults to young children toward short texts driven by images that children can experience independently. As admirers of language and story, we wanted to breathe new life into the older form and created a collection of three new stories called Traveling Tales that is available in audiobook format. The Chair is one of the stories in that collection. While producing this story as a video rather than filming an actual show, we played with ways to suggest the presence of the puppeteer in live performance.
Puppets and design by Andrea Caspari & Mary Amato. Story written by Mary Amato and edited by Andrea Caspari. Narrated by Kate Reading. Music by Amy K Bormet. For additional puppetry consultation, thanks to Jenny Hersh.