Audience in Skopje, Macedonia
Firefly Shadow Theater’s workshops, performances, residencies, consultancies and collaborations include:
The National Theater, Washington DC
Shadows and Clouds Festival, Skopje, Macedonia
Tamam-Albania, Tirana, Albania
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island
Blue Refugee Center, Thessaloniki, Greece
The Arts Club of Washington, Washington DC
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts
The Black Cat, Washington DC
The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts
HR-57, Washington DC
Eden Center, Tirana, Albania
Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
DCAC, Washington DC
Montgomery College Black Box, Maryland
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts
ACME Puppet Slam, Maryland
Beacon House Community Ministries, DC
Holiday Park Senior Center, Maryland
Montachusett Opportunity Council Community Partnership for Children, Massachusetts
The Greenbelt Arts Center, Maryland
Princeton Arts Society, Princeton, Massachusetts
…as well as many schools, libraries, theaters, places of worship and community centers